Complaints policy

1.0 Purpose

GroupNexus is committed to providing a high quality, transparent and accessible service to everyone we deal with. In order to do this we need you to tell us when we get things wrong. We want to help resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.

We handle any expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for a response as a complaint. We listen to your complaints, treat them seriously, and learn from them so that we can continuously improve our service. 

2.0 What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction.

Our policy covers complaints about:

  • the standard of service you receive from us
  • the behaviour of our staff in delivering that service
  • any action, or lack of action, by our staff or others engaged on company business

We refer to these complaints as ‘service complaints’.

3.0 Our complaints policy does not cover:

  • comments about our policies or policy decisions
  • matters that have already been fully investigated through this complaints procedure
  • anonymous complaints
  • appeals/dissatisfaction relating to the issuance of a Parking Charge Notice (these will be passed to our appeals department for a response if not previously actioned, unless the appeal falls outside of the permitted timeline for an appeal)
  • car parking tariffs

4.0 Third Party Representation

Complainants may wish to have a third party act on their behalf. A third party is any person or organisation acting on behalf of or making enquiries for the complainant. For example, third parties may include:

  • advice organisations
  • professionals, eg solicitors/lawyers
  • family members or friends

Where a third party is helping a complainant we need written consent to that effect.

5.0 Confidentiality

All complaints received will be dealt with confidentially and in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018, subject to the need to disclose information as required by statutory authorities. 

6.0 How to complain to us

If you wish to make a complaint, you can do so by in writing by post or email

By post:

Jack Straws Castle
North End Way
London, NW3 7ES

By email:


As you will see we have a two-stage complaints handling procedure. At each stage it will help us to resolve your complaint quickly if you can give us as much clarity and detail as possible, including providing any documents and correspondence and stating that you are making a complaint. If we do not have all the details required to deal with the complaint, we may contact you and ask you for further information.

6.1 Stage 1

This is the first opportunity for us to resolve your dissatisfaction. We expect the majority of complaints to be resolved at this stage. On receipt of your complaint we will contact a senior manager from the most appropriate department and ask them to investigate and respond to your complaint.

If you are dissatisfied with the response at stage 1, you may request a review. This will be carried out by the responsible head of department. Your request together with all subsequent correspondence relating to it should be sent to the complaints department, who will forward your request to the relevant head of
department to be further reviewed and, if needed, additional investigation. A response will be sent to you confirming the findings & outcome.

6.2 Stage 2

If the customer remains dissatisfied with our determination of the complaint, we will provide them with details to enable them to escalate their complaint to our Accredited Trade Association (full details will be provided at the appropriate time).

In order to escalate a complaint to our Accredited Trade Association, the customer must supply our Accredited Trade Association with a copy of our final complaint response.

Our Accredited Trade Association will not review escalated complaints where this is not provided by the customer.

6.3 Extending time limits

We aim to complete our investigation into all complaints received about our service within the timescales set out above. However, in a limited number of cases – for example, if a complaint is very complex or requires further breakdown, it may be necessary to extend the time limit to ensure we have all the information necessary to deal with it. If this is the case we will keep you informed of progress with the investigation, the reasons for the delay, and inform you of next steps.

7.0 Remedies

When we get things wrong we will act to:

  • accept responsibility
  • explain what went wrong and why
  • reviewing or changing a decision on the service given
  • additional training, supervising staff or a combination of both
  • learn lessons from mistakes and change policies and practices

The action we take to put matters right in response to a complaint can include any combination of the remedies set out in the list above.

The remedy applied needs to be proportionate and appropriate to the failure in service, and take into account what redress people seek when they complain. If applicable an apology is generally the most appropriate action, but other action may also be necessary in some circumstances.

8.0 Vexatious and repetitive complaints, and unreasonable or abusive behaviour 

All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with this policy. However, unreasonable or abusive complaint behaviour does happen from time to time, and vexatious and repetitive complaints can be a problem in the car parking industry. Difficulties in handling such situations can place strain on time and resources and can be stressful for staff who have to deal with these complex and challenging issues.

We will take into consideration the following factors (which is not an exhaustive list) when determining whether a complaint is vexatious:

  • where the complaint requests information which has already been provided
  • where the tone adopted in correspondence by the complainant is confrontational and/or haranguing and demonstrates that the purpose is to argue
  • where the correspondence could reasonably be expected to have a negative effect on the health and well-being of our staff
  • where the complaint, viewed as a whole, appears to be intended simply to re-open issues which have been disputed several times before, and is, in effect, the pursuit of a complaint by alternative means

9.0 Recording complaints  

Complaint details, outcomes and actions taken are recorded by us and used for service improvement. We record all complaints we receive and collate data from them to help us understand what types of problems are most prevalent, and how well we are doing to resolve them.

We value your feedback and expect to use it to help us to:

  • get things right in the future if we have not done so already
  • become more customer focused
  • be more open and accountable
  • act fairly and proportionately
  • seek continuous improvement

We will handle your information so that it is only processed and retained appropriately and legally, in line with data protection legislation.

10.0 Review

This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as required.

Name: Ian Langdon

Appointment: Operations Director

Date: 12.03.24 v1.2