
We pride ourselves on our track record when it comes to safety and security, reducing levels of crime on our managed facilities. We provide highly trained Security Staff giving your facility a strong visible presence and your customers a feeling of safety and confidence which undoubtedly helps to enhance their visit. We can provide the required level of Security for each site, whether that be dedicated full or part time Security Staff, or dual role Cleaning/Security Staff that offer a more economically viable solution for sites where Security is lower risk. Having provided Security at some of the most volatile Hospital A&E Departments throughout the Country, we have the knowledge and know how to safely prevent, control or contain security incidents that could occur on your sites.

The use of ANPR, CCTV and other technology systems are regularly used to enhance security in car parks, keeping both you and your visiting motorists safe.

GroupNexus holds SIA Approved Contractor Status for the provision of Security Guarding and CCTV services. We also provide Out of Hours Remote CCTV Monitoring.


When customers arrive at a car park their first impression should be of a clean, bright and inviting space.



NexusFM ensures each site is individually assessed to ascertain the right level of landscaping service.


Defect Reporting

We use a ‘real time’ reporting system to allow our staff to instantly create and share Defect Reports.


Other services

NexusPark delivers parking management, enforcement, security and technology solutions.

Using the feed from our ANPR cameras we can provide greater insight into customer behaviour.