Corporate social responsibility policy


We believe that a commitment to the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) not only makes good
business sense but also complements our core business strategy and corporate values. Our policy is based on
the following principles:
– To minimise the impact and maximise the benefits that our work has on the environment and people
around us.
– To integrate our CSR considerations into all our business decisions.
– To comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of
– To review, annually report, and to continually strive to improve our CSR performance.
– To help define our policy we have divided it into four key areas:


Helping to keep families safer on their journeys and encouraging an active lifestyle. We recognise that we the
Group play an important role in our local communities and we aim to make the communities in which we
operate better places. We encourage and empower our employees to get involved with their local
communities and use their skills and where possible the Company’s resources to help create a mutual
benefit. This can be in the form of fundraising, assisting local groups visit out client’s sites and the Group
offer varying contributions to local charities and community groups.


We accept responsibility for caring for our staff, providing them with meaningful employment, with the
opportunity to provide for themselves and their families and for ensuring, as far as we can, their continuing
health, safety and welfare in the workplace. We offer support and development of our employees
throughout our Groups induction & training schedule. The Group strive to ensure all employees enjoy their
work and have opportunities to consistently astonish our customers through their friendly customer service
and knowledge of the industry. As such, we continue to invest in employee’s development and leadership
and actively look for ways in which we can promote and increase the diversity of our workforce through
monitoring of fair recruitment across the Group.
Due to the Group’s core services provided the Group strive to provide a safe and secure environment for our
clients, customers, employees & visitors. This is achieved through our security managers closely working
with local community groups and the emergency services.


Building and maintaining the highest standards amongst our suppliers is very important and the group are
committed to maintaining high standards amongst our suppliers & clients. We oppose the exploitation of
workers and we will not tolerate forced labour, or labour which involves physical, verbal or psychological
harassment, or intimidation of any kind. We will not accept human trafficking or the exploitation of children
and young people in our business and undertake all reasonable and practical steps to ensure that these
standards are maintained. We review all our suppliers annually and any supplier found to not be meeting our
agreed standards and fails to improve will be removed from our register.

Cooperate & Social Responsibility Policy Mar 20 Version 1.0 4
CP Plus Ltd T/A GroupNexus. Registered in England. Company No. 2595379. Incorporating CP Plus, Ranger Services, Highview Parking


Managing our impact on the environment in a responsible and ethical manner and the Group know that our
work has an impact on the environment and that we have a duty to manage that impact in a responsible and
ethical manner. We do this through identifying all significant environmental impacts and putting processes
into place to prevent, reduce and mitigate them. We have attained the ISO 14001 accreditation to back up
our commitment and this also makes good business sense.


This policy will be reviewed periodically and any changes made agreed at board level and all employees

Name: Ian Langdon
Appointment: Operations Director
Date: 06/09/22 V1.1