Data security policy


The objective of information security is to ensure the business continuity of GroupNexus and to minimise the risk of damage by preventing security incidents and reducing their potential impact.


The policy’s goal is to protect the organisation’s informational assets against all internal, external, deliberate or accidental threats. The Board of Directors has approved the information security policy and the security policy ensures that:

  • Information will be protected against any unauthorised access;
  • Confidentiality of information will be assured;
  •  Integrity of information will be maintained;
  • Availability of information for business processes will be maintained;
  • Legislative and regulatory requirements will met;
  • Business continuity plans will be developed, maintained and tested;
  • Information security training will be available for all employees;
  • All actual or suspected information security breaches will be reported to the DPO and will be thoroughly investigated.

Procedures exist to support the policy (data protection DPO is responsible for maintaining the policy as well as the data protection policy and providing support and advice during its implementation.

Information can exist in various forms, and includes data stored on computers, transmitted over networks, printed or written on paper, sent by fax, stored on portable storage devices and discussed during telephone conversations. The security data policy statement and the data protection policy cover all these areas. 

All managers are directly responsible for implementing the security policy statement and the data protection policy and ensuring staff compliance in their respective areas of responsibility. Compliance with these policies is mandatory and any breached must be reported.

Name: Ian Langdon

Appointment: Operations Director

Date: 06.06.23 Version 1.2