Security code of conduct

This Code sets outs how each employee will conduct themselves whilst in the employment of GroupNexus Ltd. This Code together with their Contract of Employment and the Employee Handbook form part of their written contract of employment.

1. Employees shall recognise at all times that they represent the client and should do in a calm and courteous manner.
2. All employees shall be required to maintain proper standards of appearance and deportment whilst on duty.
3. All employees shall:
a. Complete the required tasks promptly and diligently, unless there is due and sufficient cause not to.
b. Remain at their place of work unless permission to leave is given or there is sufficient cause.
c. Ensure that all oral or written statements made by them, of whatever description are true and accurate.
d. Maintain carefully all documents and ensure that any alterations, disposal, or erasure of documents is carried out only with proper authorisation.
e. Maintain confidentiality on any matter relating to the employer or his clients either past or present.
f. Maintain a very high level of personal integrity, and be scrupulous in accounting for keys, money or property received in connection with the employer’s business.
g. Extend courtesy to all persons encountered in the course of work, ensuring that any exercise of authority is only that required in connection with the employer’s business.
h. Ensure that any actions taken by them do not to bring discredit on the employer, the client or fellow employees.
i. Wear the employer’s uniform, and use their equipment and identification only with the employer’s authority.
j. Ensure that they are not under the influence of, or consume, alcohol or restricted drugs whilst at work.
k. Immediately notify any conviction for criminal or motoring offence to the employer.
l. Not allow unauthorised access to client’s premises.
m. Ensure that they use employer’s equipment or facilities only with authorisation.
n. Not fraternise with customers, friends or relations whilst on duty.
o. Never abuse their position of authority and immediately report any incident or involvement with the police that could affect their continued employment as a door supervisor.
p. Wear the SIA licence prominently on the outside of their clothing
q. To refuse access to anyone whose presence at an event might render the designated premises supervisor subject to prosecution.
r. To ensure that consent is obtained from each customer in front of a witnesses prior to any search taking place, if personal searches are required as a condition of entry
s. Not to search individuals of the opposite sex and to ensure that any items seized are dealt with strictly in accordance with the licensed premises or events policy.
t. To maintain good order on the licensed premises or event and to ensure the safety of the public by awareness of fire and emergency equipment and evacuation procedures.
u. To use tact and diplomacy as the first tool to control any conflict.
v. To use the minimum of force required for the purpose, if tact and diplomacy doesn’t work.
w. To act fairly and not unlawfully discriminate against any person, e.g. on the grounds of colour, race, religion or disability and should always be prepared to justify their actions.
x. Assist the emergency services in whatever way they request and ensure they are not obstructed in the execution of their duties.
y. Be aware of procedures for informing the management and public of an emergency, for taking immediate action and for alerting the emergency services.


As a company we are always striving to improve and have recently introduced the following Codes to help staff understand the company’s expectations in a customer based industry.

Our Vision – People have a fundamental need to be safe – safe wherever they are and whatever they are doing. CP Plus has a particular responsibility in helping people both to be and to feel safe. We will do this by providing a service that is intended to protect, help and reassure all of our sites and we will deliver it in a way, which treats all people fairly and with respect and dignity.

Our purpose is to make the areas in which we work safer.

We will achieve our purpose by:

  • Listening to and responding to our customers, staff and the public effectively.
  • Clearly publicising when and how we can be contacted and keeping our promises in that respect.
  • Managing demand and expectation in an open and honest way. If we cannot do something, we will say so either from the outset or when we become aware that we cannot.
  • Ensuring that all of our security services are provided in a fair way that does not discriminate against any group or individual.
  • Appreciating the people who work for and with Novus Altair, therefore ensuring that they feel valued, fairly treated and appropriately rewarded.
  • Forming partnerships with clients and with voluntary and statutory agencies in order that, together, we can work more effectively in solving local problems particularly in respect of reducing incidents of disorder and the protection of the public.
  • Using our resources to best effect and taking a sustainable approach to delivering security services long term.
    Providing the highest level of protection to the public against major incidents and serious crime and report accordingly.
  • Maintaining a strong commitment to achieving results and the consistent delivery of high levels of performance.
    Readily accepting responsibility if we get things wrong, taking prompt action to rectify the situation and learning from our experience so as to provide a better level of service in the future.
  • Celebrating success whenever and wherever it occurs.

Current National Threat Level